Tuesday, May 9, 2017

转载:A Conversation with Eugene Peterson

“The power of narrative is the power of inclusion. Everything works. You can’t take a story and pull characters out. If you do that, you’ll lose the story. David is a particularly interesting character in this regard. We know more about him than anybody else in scripture, including Jesus, actually, because we have David’s entire life, and we only have three years plus some snippets of Jesus’s. Jesus is described as the son of David. There’s an explicit connection made between their lives. David’s is an incredibly complex life in terms of the mixture of good and evil, faithfulness and adultery, loyalty and murder.
The half of the Bible that isn’t poetry is narrative. Even the hortatory teachings of the New Testament are embedded in story. They’re conversations. If you try to talk outside of a story, you get either gossip, which is story without soul; illustration, which is an extract from a story without roots in relationship; propaganda, which eliminates people as they are and tries to turn them into something else; or examination papers, which are abstract knowledge outside of a living context. The Bible doesn’t do any of this, but we do it all the time. What distresses me most is when we do it in church, and all of us do. Language is the most distinctive thing about the human being, and we need to pay attention to the way it works. One of the things I hoped I could do in my lifetime was to recover some of the reverence for language within the Christian community by people who are not novelists or poets.” (继续阅读

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