Saturday, November 1, 2008


今天下午,终于把纠缠已久的论文建议书“写好”。“写好”需要加上引号,因为它并不是真正的好,正如我的指导老师,Kar Yong 所说的,建议书只不过是建议书,并不要求完美。另外,引号也表达了我自知理亏,因为并没有按着格式把应该有的东西都写进去。“写好”顶多只是象征我暂时不会再加上些什么,也象征我可以寄出去。我只期待这能够成为与老师见面时的一个讨论平台。净莹告诉我,她的建议书就像拼图,我想,我的也一样,凑凑拼拼而已!真的要谢谢她,愿意把她的“拼图”与我分享,让我有一个参考,好把我的“拼图”弄出来!


b) 学者认为《林前》第8及10章中有些经文(如8:1、4;10:23等)是保罗引用自哥林多信徒的话(他们写给保罗的信)。是否有引用句呢?若有,到底是哪一些经文呢?若能认出这些引用句,便能对当时哥林多的某些信徒对吃祭过偶像之物的立场有个初步的认识。既然保罗引用,是否表示他赞同他们的看法呢?

c) 在当时,吃祭过偶像之物的情况到底是如何的?一定是宗教仪式吗?还是有超越宗教的社会意义呢?

d) 讨论吃祭过偶像之物的经文涵盖了三章(8-11:1),在第8章中保罗似乎认为偶像并不算什么(8:4),但第10章他却严厉的说这是祭偶像就是祭鬼(10:19-22)。是保罗改变了立场吗?保罗在这课题的立场是否一致呢?到底他是在针对不同的处境给予劝告(Fee的看法)?还是这本来就是两封不同的信件呢(杨克勤的看法)?又或许是保罗一直都在讲论同一个立场,却是利用了修辞的方法来回应呢(Dawes的看法)?若保罗有一个一致的立场,那是什么呢?

e) 哥林多的教会是个怎么样的教会呢?是否是个分裂的教会?传统上认为这场争论是哥林多教会的内部争论,由所谓“强壮”或“智者”与“软弱”的人的争执,而保罗为了处理这事而提出了其看法及教导。然而,针对这点Hurd曾提出了一个深具突破性的观念,认为这场争论乃是整个哥林多教会与保罗的争论,“软弱者”只不过是保罗虚构的争论对象。换句话说,哥林多的信徒对吃祭物并没有什么挣扎,他们对祭物的问题乃是存着极其自由的观念;而保罗则站在反对的立场,为了争论而因此虚构了“软弱者”的角色。保罗的用意乃是要教导哥林多信徒有关耶路撒冷大公会议的立场。这个观念是否站得住脚呢?若真有智者与弱者?他们是犹太人吗?还是外邦人?是否是族裔的冲突呢?

f) “软弱者”是在良心上软弱,这是什么意思呢?这与《罗马书》14章之“信心软弱”者是否相似呢?

g) 当时的哥林多教会有犹太人吗?若有,他们对吃祭物的看法又如何?保罗是个犹太人,又是一个法利赛人,他的看法是否有犹太教的影响呢?早期犹太文献对这课题有什么看法吗?

h) 哥林多信徒是否有受什么哲学思潮影响呢?如诺斯底主义(Gnosticism)、斯多亚主义(Stoicism)、诡辩派(Sophists)、享乐主义(Epicurianism)等。还是,正如某些学者所建议的,真正影响哥林多信徒的乃是他们的神学思想,他们持守了一种“实现的终末论”,这是否正确呢?

如果Kar Yong认为这是值得处理的问题,看来它们将会陪伴我好几个月了!


Anonymous said...

ha ha, this is the agony of doing bible study with historical critical method! so much context and background study, and of course , many assumptions too!a bottomless pit! James dunn and gordon fee like that...

why not considering, the literary reading of the bible? maybe can check with many guru from university of shelfield, uk? cheryl exum and david clines. very interesting...

anyway, research in pauline epistle, seems that got no choice, got to do historical critical....hope you dont mind i drop this comment.. just try to exchange some opinion...

Perng Shyang Teng said...


是的,历史处境的释经进路到目前还是我比较喜欢的进路,或许因为自己是喝这样的奶水长大的吧(James Dunn是我的师公)!

我蛮喜欢David Clines的读者回应方法,虽然很多时候我并不接受他的结论,但他用这种方法所提出的问题却是我们要认真思考的。

Anonymous said...

hi Pastor Perng, tks for your reply. you indeed got open heart to listen to different voices and ideas. ha ha maybe your grand teacher, and teacher, reject Clines..haha!

I actually focus in historical theology. I like mc grath, stanley grenz, olson and 梁家麟,and etc.

I do bible study only for the sack of expository preaching. thats y, I think I got the freedom to choose literary approach, and reject historical approach. I find literary approach type of expository preaching more conducive to reach out to postmodern audience . you agree?

If anyone rebuke me for not historical, I got excuse,,, haha, " I am theology guy ma! I am not biblical guy!" ha ha , I think your teacher, Kar yong , also 4give me...

anyway, nice talking to you seminary ppl. unfortunately, i never seminary trained...I lay man la!Tks for your enlightenment.

Perng Shyang Teng said...

Dante,不必称呼我为传道,Perng Shyang 是我的名字,而Perng 也不是我的姓。小弟姓汤,名鹏翔,你可以叫我PS(不是Pastor,只是我的名字的简写)。你是何方神圣呢?在马来西亚,若在一般教会用Clines的方法讲道,大概会被视为洪水猛兽!

我所受的训练是历史-文学释经进路(Historical Literary Critisicm),不是单单专注历史性,也注意文学体裁。另外,Kar Yong 是我的论文指导老师,但他不是Dunn的学生,我的院长则是Dunn的直系高徒!



Unknown said...

Hi Ps, yes I know, Ezra Kok and Yu te lin are both students of James Dunn. haha, methodists ppl like to c Dunn bcos he too a methodist. I guess one day, Yu will go to c him in Durham?

I selectively learn and use reader response theory from clines. of cos I am careful enough to preach the right sermon in evangelical context. Clines not an evangelical scholar anyway.

I broadly use the method of narrative criticism, more a close reading of text. let the text speak. many Lutheran scholars in North america are good in narrative theology, eg: mark alan powell, james reseguie.

but I am frustrated for not able to find full set of commentaries written with literary approach solely. can yu help me to check out? either english or chinese?

the renown word biblical commentaries are all historical critical...

anyway, Dante and Davinci are the same person. sorry for confusion. some times, I miss drop the nick name...haha... sorry

Kar Yong said...

wah...someone interested in narrative and literary criticism?? Hahah..then we can talk more....

My own doctoral work is on the narrative reading of Paul.. :-)

Perng Shyang Teng said...

The real expert is here now! So, Kar Yong should say more about it, and perhaps introduce some reading materials.

Unknown said...

so any tips from expert Kar Yong?

I looking for such commentaries..

I encounter quite few papers doing narrative approach to Pauline. Maybe yu mean more on the rhetorical criticism to pauline?

of cos, rhetorical also in literary school.楊克群like that. I got some commentaries by catholic scholars who major in social science and rhetorical approach. after reading, find dry, tak suka la ...

haha, I like story. I think postmodern ppl like story....with the aesthetic dimension therein...

when i preach bible story with literary analysis skill, I feel good and confident, and without fail, audience respond well..

dont know hw you two experts think abt this ?

Kar Yong said...

Hi Davincci,

No, I dont mean rhetorical approach - while I see some benefits of rhetorical approach, personally for me, I am not too much into it. For narrative approach in Paul, I interact with scholars like Michael Gorman, NT Wright, Thomas Stegmann, Rollin Grams, Frank Matera, Richard Hays, amongst others, and of course my own work as well.

Perhaps we could take the discussion off line so as not to hog PS's blog. Why not you drop me a note, and perhaps introduce yourself a bit. Email me at: karyong at stm dot edu dot my

Perng Shyang Teng said...


Kar Yong, as suggested, you post something on the narrative reading, introduce the method and share some reading materials in your blog la (can recommend you expensive book as well), we can discuss over there.