Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Kar Yong的新书终于到了,恭喜他!同时,我的书也到了!哈哈,当然不是我写的书,却是我从CBD买的书,一样兴奋!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
* * * * * * *
第一部 耶穌的生平與意義
第一章 耶穌與新約倫理
第二章 從福音書看耶穌的倫理憧憬
第二部 門徒的生活:性、家庭、婚姻
第三章 性、家庭、婚姻
第四章 同性戀
第三部 門徒在世界:權勢與鄰舍
第五章 新約中的政權
第六章 權勢與救贖
第七章 寬恕與復和
第八章 鄰舍
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
签署联合声明,反对回教党动议查禁Sisters in Islam
We the undersigned are deeply disturbed by the call on the part of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) to have Sisters in Islam (SIS) banned and its members rehabilitated should its activities be determined to be contrary to the Islamic shariah. It is apparent to us that in making the call in the manner that it has, PAS has already formed the view that SIS should be banned and its activities brought to an end.
While we respect the freedom of members of PAS to associate in a manner that they consider appropriate or warranted as well as their freedom to express a view in association on such matters as they see fit, the members of SIS, or any other organization for that matter, are equally guaranteed those freedoms. No one person or organization has a monopoly over the right to express views on matter of public importance. The call to silence SIS and send its members for rehabilitation is an act of violence against those freedoms and their constitutional underpinnings. It also lends itself to further closure of the already narrow space of public discourse and debate that a slew of anti-expression laws have allowed Malaysians.
For Malaysia to mature into the democracy that Malaysians aspire to, it is vital that diversity, even of views, be protected and nurtured. Respect for the freedoms guaranteed to all Malaysians by the Federal Constitution, be they members of PAS or any other organization or simply individuals, is crucial to this endeavor.
The demand for action against SIS culminating in a ban is not easily reconciled with PAS public rhetoric in favour of a more democratic and inclusive Malaysia. On the contrary, the demand is wholly anti-democratic. We reiterate that though members of PAS are entitled to their views, the call for the banning of SIS is wholly unacceptable. As a matter of principle, the question of banning any organization purely for their views should not arise at all. Differences of views must be respected and, if at all, be resolved through constructive engagement.
In view of this, we urge PAS to reconsider its position and take such steps as are necessary to retract the call for action against SIS.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
*'Sixth Sick Sheiks Sixth Sheeps Sick'是英文中最难以发音的一个句子。
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Qumran Visualization Project
Monday, June 8, 2009
他者性 Otherness
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Book Review on John Ashton's "Understanding the Fourth Gospel" by Craig Koester.

John Ashton 的经典作品,Understanding the Fourth Gospel 在两年前出版了全新修订版,整理了学术界近期对这福音书的研究成果。面对《约翰福音》,不能错过这本学术性颇高的作品。Review of Biblical Literature 刚刊登了一篇书评,是由Craig Koester 执笔的,请看这里。
In this fully revised new edition of a pioneering study of John's gospel, John Ashton explores fresh topics and takes account of the latest scholarly debates. Ashton argues first that the thought-world of the gospel is Jewish, not Greek, and secondly that the text is many-layered, not simple, and composed over an extended period as the evangelist responded to the changing situation of the community he was addressing. Ashton seeks to provide new and coherent answers to what Rudolf Bultmann called the two great riddles of the gospel: its position in the development of Christian thought and its central or governing idea. In arguing that the first of these should be concerned rather with Jewish thought Ashton offers a partial answer to the most important and fascinating of all the questions confronted by New Testament scholarship: how did Christianity emerge from Judaism? Bultmann's second riddle is exegetical, and concerns the message of the book. Ashton's answer highlights a generally neglected feature of the gospel's concept of revelation: its debt to Jewish apocalyptic.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
"The Sufferings of Christ Are Abundant in Us"

我迟了一些,但还是觉得要刊这一篇。我的论文指导老师,Kar Yong 的第一本书,也是改编自其博士论文的作品,"The Sufferings of Christ Are Abundant in Us” 出版了。
This book investigates the centrality of suffering to Paul's argumentation in 2 Corinthians. This study investigates why Paul makes the theme of suffering so central to his argument in 2 Corinthians. It is pursued through an exegetical analysis of passages where Paul's suffering is described, namely 1:3-11; 2:14-116; 4:7-12; 6:1-10 and 11:23-12:10.By employing a narrative approach, this study argues that Paul's apostolic suffering is grounded in the story of Jesus. There are several implications arising from this approach. First, Paul understands his suffering as necessary and integral to his apostolic mission. Second, Paul claims that his suffering has positive missiological benefits, resulting in giving birth to the Christ-believing community in Corinth. Third, for Paul, the story of Jesus does not end at the event of the cross, and so he extends the invitation to the Corinthians to participate in the story of Jesus. Fourth, Paul's understanding of his suffering also finds its roots in the Hebrew Scriptures as seen in the allusion to and citations of Isaiah and Jeremiah/1 Kingdoms. Finally, Paul expresses his deep concern for the Corinthians in this letter.In essence, Paul sees his own suffering as a reflection of his embodying the ongoing story of Jesus - a story of suffering and death leading to life - and calls the Corinthians also to this cruciform pattern of living. Taking all the above implications together, it is suggested that 2 Corinthians should be read as primarily parenaetic in nature and that Paul's apology for his apostleship only plays a secondary role.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
如 Hafemann所说,“对哥林多城的社会、宗教与思想面貌的理解将会影响我们对哥林多书信的诠释。”(S. J. Hafemann, “Corinthians, Letters to the,” in DPL, edited by Gerald F. Hawthorne, Ralph P. Martin, and Daniel G. Reid (Downers Grove: IVP, 1993), 172.)因此,我决定在第一堂里,先分享哥林多社会、教会的历史与背景,然后再按照我之前所准备的大纲进行。这样的铺排,我不知道有多少人会睡着了!