In this eagerly anticipated sequel to Aída Spencer’s commentary on 1 Timothy, Spencer unveils the socio-cultural backdrop behind Paul’s pastoral teaching in Titus and 2 Timothy. Investigating the reasons behind some of Paul’s explicit warnings and directives, Spencer provides commentary easily usable by pastors, teachers, and moral theologians. As timely as it is informed, this commentary on Paul’s more concise letters will see much use in the interpretation of Paul’s letters for the twenty-first century church.
By explaining lexical, grammatical, historical, and theological matters, and by focusing consistently on canonical connections and pastoral application, Aida Spencer has written a lucid commentary that will prove helpful for general readers, students, and pastors alike.
—Eckhard J. Schnabel, associate editor of Bulletin of Biblical Research
This volume completes Spencer's valuable commentary on the Pastoral Epistles. Concise and readable, it also provides in-depth analysis of the flow of each letter, and serious word studies sensitive to both biblical and Greco-Roman usage. . . . This volume is especially sensitive to the gender-oriented instructions concerning leadership and conduct in Titus and 2 Timothy. Highly recommended.
—John R. Kohlenberger III, editor of The NIV Greek and English New Testament
Aida Spencer's rich exposition of Paul's last letters is a welcome companion to her work on the first of the Pastoral letters, 1 Timothy. The commentary beguiles as it combines brevity and economy of expression with rich and deep insight into the meaning of Paul's message to the pastors he sent to Crete and Ephesus. As always, Spencer carefully attends to the world of the author and his recipients, framing his message within the cultural matrix of the Greco-Roman world. At the same time, she helps pastor, teacher, and student bridge the gap between the message then and now. Listen and relish as you hear the timbre of the apostolic voice afresh and anew.
—Gene L. Green, author of The Letters to the Thessalonians