Wednesday, December 10, 2008

We are the Reason

去年圣诞节期间,在部落格放了“O, Holy Night” 这首诗歌。今年,我选择了这一首,"We are the Reason”。

第一次学唱这首诗歌,是在大学时候的教会诗班。唱的时候,深深被诗歌的内容感动,被上帝的爱感动。圣诞的意义,我一直以为我是能完成明白的,但却仍旧常常叫我惊讶。昨晚与净莹吃晚餐,她提起上帝要亚伯拉罕献以撒(亚伯拉罕最心爱的),因为上帝“已”有了一个模式,祂也是为了爱把自己最心爱的独生子,耶稣赐下了!耶稣为了十字架而来,祂是为了牺牲自己而来的!这样“浅显”的道理,听她说来,我竟然感动了!耶稣为何来世上?我们就是那理由!We are the reason!


We Are The Reason衪為了我們

As little children當我小時候
we would dream of Christmas morn我常夢見聖誕夜
Of all the gifts and toys we knew we’d find有那麼多禮物為我預備
But we never realizeda baby born one blessed night但那時我卻不知有一嬰孩為我降生
Gave us the greatest gift of our lives給如我生命最大的禮物
We were the reason that he gave his life祂為了我們獻出祂一生
We were the reason that he suffered and died祂為了我們甘心痛苦受死
To a world that was lost he gave all he could give為這失落世界,祂給予祂所有
To show us the reason to live並給我們生命意義
As the years went by, we learned more about gifts隨著逝去的歲月我漸明白
The giving of ourselves and what that means真正的禮物是為愛 牲
On a dark and couldy daya man hung crying in the rain在那陰暗的一天,有一人懸掛十架上
All because of love, all because of love全都是為了愛,為了愛
We were the reason that he gave his life祂為了我們獻出祂一生
We were the reason that he suffered and died祂為了我們甘心痛苦受死
To a world that was lost he gave all he could give為這失落世界,祂給予祂所有
To show us the reason to live並給我們生命意義
I’ve finally found the reason for living我終於找到生命的意義
It’s in giving every part of my heart to him是將我整個心靈完全交給祂
In all that I do, every word that I say在每天我所說、每天我所作
I’ll be giving my all just for him, for him所有一切全是為了祂
We are the reason that he suffered and died祂為了我們甘心痛苦受死
To a world that was lost he gave all he could give為這失落世界,祂給予祂所有
To show us the reason to live並給我們生命意義
To show us the reason to live給我們生命意義
He is my reason to live ..祂是讓我活下去的原因

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